Police Shooting

Watch the video before reading the explanation below...
What you think you see at first does not always tell the truth.
Watch the video again, and what do you see?? An officer ordering the suspect to put the gun down and it
appears he is complying and then shot!? Is that what you see?
Want to know what it is like to work the streets and what you face?Watch the video again and Watch the suspects right hand while he places the weapon down with his left hand!
What you don't see, but the officer behind the suspect does see, is the suspect pulling a hidden handgun from
his rear pants with his right hand.

Just a reminder, what you think you see at first does not always tell the truth.?

Watch it again, and again and learn!

If you look closely you can see the gun in his hand after he is shot.

Good Bye Michael...

When you pray, begin with Praise

"This, then, is how you should pray: 'Our Father in heaven: May Your holy name be honored'" (Matthew 6:9 TEV).

When Jesus' friends asked Him how to pray, He gave them a model prayer. Today we call it the Lord's Prayer, and it gives us a great outline for making contact with God.

The first idea Jesus gives us for making contact with God is captured by the words: "Our Father in heaven: May Your holy name be honored" (Matthew 6:9 TEV). Jesus is talking about praise. You begin making contact with God by praising him, by worshiping him.

What is praise? Praise is thanking God for who and what He is. It means to value Him, to esteem Him. It means bragging on him: "God, You are good! There's no one as good as You!"

Why should I praise God? Because it gets my focus off myself and onto God so I can talk to Him and not at Him. That's why we start with praise. If you want help learning how to praise God, read through the Psalms. Many of them were written simply to praise God. If you read them aloud, you'll learn a lot about praising God in prayer.

Notice Jesus talks about God's name being holy. Did you know God has many names? In the Old Testament there are many different names of God. In the Bible, a name was a clue to a person's character. The Bible reveals the character of God through the names it uses for Him. Through these names, we learn that:

• God is present with me.
• God is my Shepherd.
• God is my Provider.
• God is my Healer.
• God is my Peace.
• God is my victory in conflict.

Praying the names of God reminds you of who He is and what He has done for you, and that will stir up love in your heart for Him. You begin worshipfully praying by giving God your love.

by Rick Warren

Good to be true

There are many upcoming projects ever since I join this new company which I have to taking care of all, and it is not an easy as what I think.
The people of my team have been very supporting and praise God for the blessing. Working with them at very beginning were a bit tough and now along the way it is getting much closer to them. I feel great though.
Perhaps God has the purpose to direct me to take up the challenges and let me embrace to experience the whole things.
I believe this is the purpose God has in me.
I never let Him down and so do my beloved wife. She always has the patience of listening to all the problems from me, and yet she never felt tired to support and comfort me.
Thank you my dear...

Best slide show software

I was stumbled on this site yesterday and download it for a try after being long time of looking a good photo slide show software. To my surprise, this Photodex software has all the best functionality and ease of use with the intelligent and creative transition effects to produce a professional slide shows.
I know there are many software out there but recommended that you can give it a try of this software although it is a free Trial for 15 days.

The new chapter has begun

It has been a week in a new company I work for. It constantly remind me that I now have a bigger role and responsiblity towards my team which no longer the old me.

Somehow there must have hiccups along the way and I believe especially God will guide me through all this. He indeed has helped me to breakthrough all obstcales when I face the limitation of myself. I may not equipped with all knowledges and skills, but I'm ambitious to learn from scratch.
Today is my first time to chair a meeting with my team and thank God that everything is going smooth. I hope will get along with them to work together in future.

Ants inside brain

I read 1 article on the below which caught my attention, and also which I didn't know how bad it is. I just post it out for sharing to especially who have children.

A little boy died because surgeons found ants in his brain! Apparently this boy fell asleep with some sweets in his mouth or with some sweet stuff beside him.

Ants soon got to him and some ants in fact crawled into his ear which somehow managed to go to his brain. When he woke up, he did not realize that ants had gone to his head.

After that, he constantly complained about itchiness around his face. His mother brought him to a doctor, but the doctor could not figure out what was wrong with him. He took an X-ray of the boy and to his horror; he found a group of live ants in his skull. Since the ants were still alive, the doctor could not operate on him because the ants were constantly moving around. The boy finally died. So please be careful when leaving food stuff near your bed or when eating in bed. This might attract ants. Most importantly, NEVER you or your child eat sweets before going to bed. You or your child might attract ants while you are asleep.

Extra ordinary ballet dance

I'm speechless when watching this video...such a great dancer I've never seen before!

World's most unique 5 Strangely Coloured Beaches

Punalu'u Beach

Punalu'u Beach is the most visited of the few black sand beaches on Hawaii's Big Island and the stunningly black sand is actually volcanic rock, deposited as lava and subsequently cooled when met by the ocean. Apparently to take any of the sand home would result in you being cursed by a volcano goddess by the name of Pele.

Papakolea Beach

One of only 2 green sand beaches in the world, the truly magnificent sight of Papakolea Beach can be experienced by travelling to Hawaii's Ka'u district. Again, the unique colour of its sand can be attributed to volcanic activity - specifically, the green hue belongs to the abundance of olivine crystals which have been produced as a result of a nearby cinder cone erupting and eroding.

Hyams Beach

You may need to wear your shades when visiting Hyams Beach in New South Wales, Australia, but not just due to the sun. It's not surprising after looking at photos but this sublime stretch of beach is home to the whitest sand in the world, an honour awarded by the Guinness Book of Records.

Pfeiffer Beach

The hills surrounding Pfeiffer Beach in Big Sur, California, are rich in Manganese Garnet. A result of this being washed down onto the beach is the colour scheme you can see above - the entire stretch of sand has become a shifting, pink and purple canvas. Although it's probably inedible, I can't help picturing a bowl of Raspberry Ripple ice-cream every time I see it.


You won't find many beaches elsewhere in the world with sand as red as this one. Kaihalulu, or Red Sand Beach , is situated on the island of Maui and can thank the neighbouring cindercone hill for its intensely deep red appearance.

Nice Quote

This quote was mentioned during yesterday at Sunday Church service by Pastor James Vinagam. I personally feel it is very true and meaningful quote especially when we deal with the people out there...

"People will forget what we said,
People will forget what we did,
but people will not forget how we made them feel..."